If you or your club are planning to set up a repeater, please contact your local frequency coordinator before proceeding or before making changes, such as the antenna pattern or height, the power output or the addition of CTCSS tones.
For those interested in more background information, please see the following information:
- Repeater Operating Procedures
- VHF and UHF Repeater Definitions
- Frequently Asked Questions about Frequency Coordination
Below is a list of names and addresses of organizations and individuals who are responsible for the harmonization and coordination of the hundreds of VHF and UHF Amateur Radio repeaters across Canada.
For more information about North American frequency coordination, visit the webpage maintained by Thomas Sundstrom, W2XQ.
British Columbia
British Columbia Amateur Radio Coordination Council (BCARCC)
Secretary: Ed Frazer, VE7EF
#802, 1485 Duchess Ave.
West Vancouver, BC V7T 1H7
Tel: 604-921-6695
Website: https://www.bcarcc.org
Revised: April 18, 2022
For Coordination Red Deer, AB North, contact:
Don Moman, VE6JY
P.O. Box 127
Lamont, AB T0B 2R0
Tel: 780-895-2925
For Coordination Red Deer, AB South, contact:
Ken Oelke, VE6AFO
729 Harvest Hills Drive NE
Calgary, AB T3K 4R3
Tel: 403-226-5840
Saskatchewan Amateur Radio League (SARL)
Gordon Gwillim, VE5UJ
Box 386
Strasbourg, Sask. S0G 4V0
Manitoba Amateur Repeater Coordination Council (MARCC)
c/o VE4WSC
598 St. Mary’s Road
Winnipeg, MB R2M 3L5
Website: https://www.winnipegarc.org/marcc/
Ontario – Southwest
Western New York Southern Ontario Repeater Council (WNYSORC)
Tom Domonkos, VE3LT
PO Box 244,
Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6T3
Website: wnysorc.org
Ontario – East and North
(Including 50 km wide strip along the Quebec side of the Ottawa River)
St Lawrence Valley Repeater Council (SLVRC)
To be determined; may not be in service.
Radio Amateur du Quebec, Inc (RAQI)
Mario Bilodeau, VE2EKL
c/o RAQI
4545 ave Pierre du Coubertin, CP 1000
Montreal, QC H1V 3R2
Tel: 514-252-3012
Website: http://ccfq.ca/
Maritime Provinces
MARCAN Frequency Coordinator
Ron MacKay, VE1AIC
Box 188
Cornwall, PEI C0A 1H0
Tel: 902-566-3118
Website: https://ve1aic.net
Ken Whalen, VO1ST
P.O. Box 8261
St. John’s, NL
A1B 3N4
Tel: 709-749-4516
Labrador does not have a frequency coordinator
Yukon Territory
Yukon Amateur Radio Association
Ron McFadyen, VY1RM
49 Liard Road
Whitehorse, YT
Y1A 3L3
Tel: 867-668-7380
Website: https://yara.ca